The annual School Club EU – Day activity on May 5th is supposed to bring contacts with and among school amateur radio club and training stations and schooö girls and boys with own callsigns as well as contacts with every other station from all over Europe (WAE list). The activity is a great way to get young operators on the air from their school shacks using their training call signs (or the school club's call sign for irrelevant messages only – according to national law). Very often a new operator will be intimidated by the fear of not knowing what to say to the stranger on the other side of the radio. The exchange of information helps to overcome this fear in a low pressure contest format, it should not be made a "5-9-contest", though. Operators are encouraged to take more time to chat beyond the exchange of the necessary details. A certificate of participation will be issued for stations that send an excerpt from the log of the day. There is also the chance of winning one of the fantastic prizes issued by AATiS.
- Object: All stations exchange QSO information as below with as many stations as possible, especially school club stations or training stations (DNprefixes).
- Period of Activity: 5th May 2014– 10:00 till 16:00 UTC = 6 hours a maximum of 60 minutes for scoring (see 6)
- Entry Classes: (A) HF only (B) VHF/ UHF only
- Frequencies: Stations participating should use the following frequencies for first contact (+ / - QRM):
40m – 7.070 MHz; 20m – 14.270 MHz 15m – 21.270 MHz etc.
PSK31: 7.042 MHz, 14.072 MHz - Exchange: Your call sign, RS (T), your WW-Locator. (For example: DF0HH 59 JO43po)
- Scoring and multiplier: calculate the distance for each QSO within 60 minutes of your choice with any station from EU-Countries (WAE list), e.g. JO43po <> JO22lk = 317 kms. Multiply the summary of distances with the number of EU-countries operated within the period of activity (6 hours) on this day (Class A), multiplay with the summary of number of EU-countries and number of WW-Locator middlefields (example: JO50, JO60 etc.) Stations may be contacted once each on PHON,CW and DIGI-MOD (Packet, RTTY, PSK31,...) Repeater contacts are allowed. Give the repeater's call sign and locator.
- More info: Participants may use a computer program to calculate the locator distances. The latest version of HAMEUTAG – a specially written program for EU-DAY - is available for download from
- Reporting: You should clearly list the callsign used, entry class, (name and type of school if you represent a school), return address, your e-mail address, and the period of activity for scoring. Logs must include exchange information, bands, locators of both stations in contact, and signature of operator.
Entries should be sent to
Gymnasium "Karl Theodor Liebe"
Trebnitzer Straße 18
07545 Gera,
Entries must be postmarked not later than 30 days after contest end. Email entries without any p&p fees will be answered by Email only. - Awards: 8.5 x 11 inch (DIN A4) certificates will be issued for each entry. Those who do not send appropriate postage (3 EUR or US$ 4 for P&P) -- NO IRC !! -- cannot be assured of getting a certificate. Among all correct entries attractive prizes (kits from the AATiS media list) will be drawn. Email entries will be answered by email only, a certificate (PDF file) will be issued as an email attachment.
DF0AIS will send one minute before the full hour in PSK31 on 7.044 and one minute after full hour
on 14.074. Send your solution to dk0ktl [at]
Download as PDF
Page last modified: 12 March 2015